NEW! WorldTrack Long Range Case
Up to one full month of unattended automatic, historical, and "on demand" GPS real time tracking now possible with our waterproof, motion activated, magnetic mount "hibernator" case for WorldTracker GPS trackers. Only 6 1/2 x 4 x 1 3/4 inches, unit operates on 8 "AA" standard alkaline batteries. (Even more time can be obtained by using lithium batteries). After 5 minutes of no movement, tracker reports current position and automatically shuts down, saving all battery power until next motion. When next motion is detected, unit comes instantly to life and reports new position within 2 minutes. With the WorldTracker's unlimited reports option, your vehicle or asset will be continually tracked until motion ceases. Case available for both WorldTracker SMS Real Time Tracker and WorldTracker Historical Logger.
WT/CS/SMS-for Real Time WorldTracker SMS
WT/CS/HS- for Historical WorldTracker Logger
WT/CS/SMS-for Real Time WorldTracker SMS
WT/CS/HS- for Historical WorldTracker Logger